Unusual veg to grow in the UK

Armenian cucumber

As a gardener in the UK, you may be looking for unique and fascinating vegetables to grow in your garden. Expanding our horticultural horizons is an exciting way to make your garden a more vibrant, diverse, and sustainable space. There is a world of unusual vegetables to explore, and they can add a touch of exotic flavour to your homegrown produce. Here are three uncommon vegetables that are worth giving a try: dudi, Armenian cucumber, and Bengali potatoes.

Dudi: An Exotic Addition

Dudhi vegetable

Dudi, also known as bottle gourd or calabash, is an unusual vegetable that you can grow in your UK garden.

It is widely used in Asian and African cuisines, providing a versatile ingredient for various dishes.

To grow dudi in your garden, plant the seeds in a sunny, well-draining location. These plants are vines and can grow up to 15 feet long, so providing a lattice for them to climb is an excellent idea. Dudi plants need plenty of water, especially during the flowering and fruiting stages. Regularly check for pests and diseases to keep your plants healthy.

Once your dudi plant starts producing fruit, you’ll be able to enjoy its benefits in your kitchen. The young gourd usually matures in about 60 days. With its white and spongy flesh, dudhi is often used as a substitute for courgette in recipes.

Adding dudi to your diet not only brings diversity to your meals but also provides health benefits. This exotic squash is a good source of iron, calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin B, making it an excellent addition to your garden and your table.

Growing other unusual vegetables like Armenian cucumber and Bengali potatoes can also be an exciting project for you, so consider expanding your garden with more exotic choices for a diverse and nutritious harvest.

The Unique Armenian Cucumber

Armenian cucumber

Growing the Armenian cucumber can be a delightful addition to your UK garden. This fascinating vegetable, despite its name, is actually a muskmelon that is closely related to cucumbers in taste and appearance. By introducing this exotic crop into your garden, you’ll expand your culinary horizons and enjoy a bountiful harvest.

To ensure your Armenian cucumbers flourish, plant the seeds directly into your garden as they perform best when sown in their permanent location. Choose a sunny spot with well-draining soil, and keep in mind that these cucumber-like fruits need ample space to sprawl. So, ensure a minimum spacing of 1 foot (30cm) between each plant.

One of the key reasons these cucumber relatives thrive in the UK is their heat-tolerant nature. Armenian cucumbers are well-adapted to warmer temperatures, making them a suitable choice for summers that are increasingly getting hotter. On top of it, these cucumber-like fruits boast a crisp texture, mildly sweet flavour, and remain bitterness-free, making them a fantastic addition to salads or sandwiches.

Armenian cucumbers benefit from pollination by bees and other insects which significantly enhances their productivity. So, while tending to your plants, it’s essential to encourage pollinators in your garden. With proper care and maintenance, you’ll soon be greeted with an abundance of long, slender fruits that add a touch of unique flavour to your home-grown collection.

In summary, cultivating Armenian cucumbers in your UK garden brings in a host of benefits. They not only provide an interesting talking point for guests but also diversify your gardening experience while enhancing your menus with their delectable taste.


  1. Growing Armenian Cucumbers

Bengali Potatoes: A Different Variety

Bengali potatoes

Bengali potatoes are an unusual and interesting variety to grow in your UK garden. These potatoes are enjoyed for their unique flavour and texture, making them perfect for those who appreciate a bit of diversity in their vegetable patch.

Unlike traditional potato varieties you might find in the UK, Bengali potatoes are grown for their foliage rather than their tubers. In Bangladesh, the leaves are highly valued and frequently cooked like spinach. By exploring Bengali potatoes in your garden, you can experience a new way of enjoying this versatile vegetable.

To successfully grow Bengali potatoes in the UK, make sure you provide them with the right growing conditions. Plant the seed tubers in well-drained soil, ideally in a sunny location. Make sure to water them regularly, but avoid overwatering to prevent rotting. With proper care, you’ll be able to enjoy their unique, leafy greens throughout the season.

When it comes to harvesting Bengali potatoes, focus on the leaves rather than the tubers. Pick the leaves as and when needed for your dishes – but don’t worry about the tubers, as they are not the star attraction in this case. These versatile greens can be used in a variety of recipes, such as curries or sautéed with garlic and spices.

So, if you’re ready to try something different in your garden, give Bengali potatoes a chance. This intriguing variety offers a unique way to enjoy an otherwise well-known vegetable, and with some careful cultivation, you’ll be well on your way to broadening your garden’s horizons.


Incorporating unusual vegetables like dudiArmenian cucumber, and Bengali potatoes into your UK garden is an excellent way to diversify your harvest and add an exciting array of flavours to your kitchen.

Planting these unique vegetables can be enjoyable, and as you tend to them, you will gather some valuable experience in gardening. Remember, each of these plants has specific requirements, so spend some time familiarising yourself with their preferred growing conditions, and ensure that you can meet their needs.

Not only will these vegetables bring an exotic touch to your garden, but they will also provide you with various health benefits and culinary options. So, embrace these fascinating crops with confidence, and soon you’ll be enjoying a harvest that is truly extraordinary.